Thursday, August 28, 2014

Throwback Young Womens

The neighborhood girls I grew up with at a neighborhood party. The only time you will see me in a belt.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Throwback Family Vaction

I love Peshell family reunions. We went to the Midwest for this one.  As tradition the cousins got along by making fun of the adults. The adults sniped at each other making more fodder for the cousins. In the end my dad declares that we will never go on another family vacation again.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Throwback Jem Style

Yes I got the JEM car. I was the coolest kid on the block. Gran thank you for the gift of over packing a car and an awesome vehicle for Barbie's suicides down the stairs.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Throwback Atlantic Ocean

The Atlantic ocean in Ireland.  I finally have stood  on both sides of this ocean. I do have a goal to step foot into every ocean. I have yet to really get into the Indian ocean and I don't know if I will bother with freezing Antarctic Ocean.