Tuesday, December 1, 2009

First Tree

I am proud that I finally got my own ornaments for my tree. The only ones I had were from my mother that I stole and what I had collected before I was married (a total of two), and one from my friend Katie.

Katie and I always would do crafts our first year as flight attendant. Even though they weren't always that great, we would find the best deals because we were poor. I found this great idea for a snowman and Santa ball at a expensive botique in Georgia. The snowman didn't turn out as great as the store's, but I am so impressed with my Santa ball that I had to show you all. Mostly I am excited that my tree has color, I did it at half the cost, and I didn't have to sponge off my mother to do it!


Queen said...

The tree is looking good. I like how there are already Christmas presents.

Susan G. said...

Is this really the first tree you guys have had??