Saturday, February 25, 2012

Kitten Mittens

I promised to post my knitting and then didn't, but I was in the middle of a mitten class; I thought I would wait until I had all of my mittens done.  This class I had clever names for all of the mittens and started because of the clip above.  I always said I took a kitten mitten class, and made a pot holder mitten (it works too), then the Kool-aid mitten, then we made the Jackie O's, and finally the f@$# awesome mittens (I was impressed that I got the design right) Mittens from left to right.
 Unfortunately I don't enjoy making mittens, so most don't have pairs except for the Jacki O's and the f@$# awesome mittens because they are awesome!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Trouble with Dos

Dos has been out of sorts lately.  He started limping and first we thought it was the right front leg then his left.  He shut himself down, sleeping not eating.  Daniel loved it because he could attack the cat with all the love he wanted to and Dos was too tired to get away like he usually does.  It go so bad that we started picking him up and moving him in the same room as us so he could be with us or else he would meow and act all pitiful like we were doing something so much cooler than we actually were.

 Finally I couldn't stand it and asked my mother-in-law if he should go into the doctor, she sounded like we should so I made the appointment right as the vet was closing for the weekend for Monday morning. That weekend he began to act better so typical because I always seem to do that.  Monday came around and Dos wasn't sure, but thought if he could hide behind me it would all go away, but that wasn't good enough, so he hid his face in the cushion and thought he was safe. The vet announced that he had lost two pounds since seeing him last (three weeks ago), and not only were his front legs just fine, he threw a disk in his back near his left hind leg.  Only 1 in 50 cats do this and he gets to not jump on things (yeah right!) in order to get better and not to chase things(mostly dogs throw their disk out so they have the problem of chasing things).  He got sent home with steroids to strengthen his muscles. Dos has no problem taking the meds. He thinks they are treats, but their too small for him to eat, so down they go with our hands.  Daniel said he purred while it happened, but when I got home he was over that.  Still loves his drugs though, and is clumsy when he jumps (I can't always prevent him), but he is mending quickly.

Saturday, February 4, 2012