I guess I am sending this out there as a poll because I just can't decide:
Should I join Facebook?
I haven't yet and I tell Daniel it is because I like the anonymity that I have. He reminds me that I have blog and tell all sorts of secrets on it. But I point out that most people don't look at it because they are always asking if I'm facebook, and keep looking for me. My biggest reason for not joining is I don't want the people who drove me nuts in high school to "friend" me. Most people say just ignore them, but I like to just have a quick glance at what they are doing and then they have me and I don't want to be rude and "defriend" anyone. Then there is the whole "Let's not make complete sentence" factor. Which drives me crazy and helps me to be so glad that I don't text message. On my last trip my other flight attendant was reading people's blurbs, and one girl announced her bathroom movements online. I didn't need to know that.
Yet the voyeur in me is so curious to stalk everyone on the internet because I don't actually have to have close communication with them. So far too many cons and not enough pros. I guess I am looking for more pros. Help me out.
I think you should join because then I can friend you and have a whopping total of about 30 friends.
But really, I joined as an experiment this year, and it's not as great as keeping up with people's blogs. Some people have WAY to much time on their hands and will post what they're making for dinner every night- so boring. But then there's me who rarely posts because I don't want to say anything unless it's mildly interesting.
But the stalking aspect is kind of intriguing.
I probably didn't help at all with this comment, did I?
I am on face book but only certain people know it. You can be really tight with your privacy settings so no one can find you unless you find them and invite them to be your friends. You can maintain your anonymity. I dont do any of their applications to avoid getting virus, but it's kinds fun to stay in touch with people that way! I say start slow with tight privacy settings and see how it goes.
DONT JOIN THE MADNESS. Who cares that Susan is pregnant with Jimmy's Uncle's Step-son's fourth child, or that Tom married Sally,or that Kyle dumped Jessica for a whore, or that Calli has reached 1,000 friends. If they really cared about you or you really cared about them you would know what was going on. HUGE waste of time... stick with your instinct on this one- be one of the few that stick out in the crowd FACESLUT what?
My vote is: YES!
I totally want to be your "friend" on FB! Don't worried about "defriending" anyone--or just ignoring them--I do that all the time, and I don't lose any sleep at night!
But in the end, it is your decision!
I just "hide" the people who post way too often, or things I am not interested in. Then I don't feel bad for defriending. But the key is, only be friends with people you want to see what is going on with you. You get what you put into it, so if you don't want to be on a lot, then you just don't. But its the only way I can really stay in touch with people (who don't have blogs)
I say do it. I have had a chance to talk to friends I haven't spoken to in years. I don't have to talk to them. I can rummage through their posted pics without having to be at their house and defriend the crazy people. If you don't want to hear about Susan, you can hide her posts on your home page. Try it out for a week and tell us what you think.
Doooo eeeet.
Then I can send you an invite to our white elephant party.
As everyone is saying, you can either ignore a friend request or hide people that are annoying/say stupid things/you just don't care about. It's actually been kinda fun to catch up with some old friends and see what they are up to these days. I have a lot of fun with it, but I also have a very sad life. :p
Join! Then you don't have to worry about actual relationships. That is how I roll!
Just say NO! I haven't decided yet if I should join either...
Have you joined FB and not added me as a friend?
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