Sunday, October 3, 2010

Applefest 2010

Applefest is my favorite time of the year. It is something I look forward to. I'm not sure why. Daniel loves the fried apple pies and the huge"beer-steins" of soda that we get for $1. He also loves the barbecue in Ellijay. His love of the season centers around the food while I love the trees changing color, the first nip in the air, and the quaintness in the town (but I do love the fried apple pie).This year we had our timing was a little confused and we went up a week early with some of our friends. I was glad to beat the crowds to Ellijay, but this year we actually went to Blue Ridge to an orchard. It was still busy, so I was glad to be there before the real rush began. We ended up buying peach sparkling cider. I can't wait to try it. I bought and shared a peck of apple with my friend and made apple pie with it.


Jody said...

MMmmmmMMMMM.... fried apple pie. I'm with Daniel- that would be my motivation for going every year :-)

Susan G. said...

That apple pie looks SOOOOO good! Yummy! :)