Monday, June 30, 2008

A special visitor

On Tuesday morning, Daniel left for work and heard some whining noises, but didn't think much of it because it was three am and he was half asleep anyways. He came home and heard the same whining with a few barks. A little puppy rounded the corner and ran up to him, ready to come into the house. Daniel let him in to have a drink of water. He was so small that he was still trying to figure out how to drink from the bowl. Dos didn't like this new intruder especially because he took all the attention. We decided to call the puppy Tolstoy since we had a writer theme going on for pet names. That puppy was so cuddly and cute that we were sad to see him go because we would have to go back to the anti-cuddle cat. We gave Tolstoy to the office because I am sure that if I lost my puppy I would want someone to give him back.

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