Sunday, November 8, 2009

Guy Fawkes Party

We know these people who always have a Guy Fawkes Party. I wanted to share the reason why we crash it every year (we have never technically been invited). The host is from England, so he celebrates this holiday. Mostly it is a great excuse for him to show off to the kids, blow things up, and mingle with his neighbors and friends. I love it because I get to see people that I haven't seen in ages, drink IBC root beer, see fireworks, and make s'mores.

Guy Fawkes is a man who was part of a plot to blow up parliament in 1604. He was suppose to be hung, drawn, and quartered, but he jumped off of the scaffold before they could cut him down to be quartered. Ever since this happened people in England get together and celebrate the fact that parliament wasn't blown up and burn effigies of Guy Fawkes in large bond fires.

True party style we have a Guy Fawkes Effigy that the kids beat down for candy while the older kids wait to grab him to quarter him and throw him into the fire. After that, fireworks are lit with sparklers for the kids. Once the house has almost caught fire a few times then the s'mores come out for everyone to enjoy.

1 comment:

Jody said...

Yeah S'mores! And Effigies!