Monday, January 28, 2008

When do we become old?

So I wanted to jot down some thoughts because I am really disturbed that people die, but not just any people, old people (people at the age of seventy and older). I don't know when this started to disturb me except that I can remember the first time it happened. I had gone to college and my mother had kept telling me about some lady in my ward who would continually ask about me. Now, I admit I came from a fairly old ward and had no idea who this lady was or what she looked like, but I liked to be asked after(I know I'm selfish). Then one day I asked about her and my mom said she passed away. I asked her if it was recent and she replied that it was a few months back. I remember being very angry that she didn't tell me because now there was no way I was going to put a name with a face. This trend seems to keep occurring, my good college mate whose grandmother was my boss passed away and she didn't tell me until four to five months later, now I understand that we don't talk all that often, but it really stinks to find out so much later. The numbers keep adding up even as recent as my wedding someone died and I didn't know until so much later. Now to top off the really disturbing dying of "old people," President Hinckley passed away on Sunday. I found out on a text message from a friend I barely talk to. I also feel that now that I don't live in Utah that it has been months since he died even though it has been a half of day. I feel old now that he is gone. He reminds me of my teenage years (which were not that bad, and mostly fondly remembered). It is now official my being "young" is over. The only thing left to nail the coffin shut is for my very hip grandmother to pass away. Then I suppose I can start calling myself old. What really gets to me about this death is the coverage. I suppose that it is expected that CNN did a terrible job covering it by stated that "Mormon pioneer Gordon Hinckley dead at 97" since when did Hinckley cross the plains or be the first member to join in his family? Now the BBC did a very direct respectful job covering it. I guess I am use to feeling the shock of it in the media since I have always been in Utah when a prophet has died. I am shocked and sadden by his passing.

1 comment:

claire said...

I think CNN meant pioneer as in he pioneered a new way of being the president of the church; news conferences, etc. He also took the church in a different direction, with emphasis on temples, etc. I'll have to go see their coverage though- they didn't really act like he crossed the plains, did they?