Sunday, March 23, 2008


Well, It seems there has been a slam of tagging lately and I am slow to catch up, so here some of the first of the tags. This one comes from Mary. These questions are all about my 'significant other' and our relationship.

What is his full name? Daniel Caleb Gedge (I must say his mother did a great job naming him; it just flows even if he hates the Caleb)

-How long have you been married? 1 1/2 years

-How long did you date? My standard response is not long enough. I think four full months if we are lucky, but two before we knew we were going to get hitched.

-Who eats more sweets? Oh man, I at least eat more chocolate, but since I got two bags of candy and went away on a trip for two days and came back and they were all gone, I think Daniel wins this one.

-Who said I love you first? Daniel and I just kind of stared at him and blinked then got out of the car.

-How old is he? 26

-Who is taller? Daniel

-Who is smarter? Depends on what area--nerd stuff, ghetto talk (I swear he understands and speaks back), and writing Daniel for sure, but I feel really smart in books, history, finances any area I can fake my way through.

-Who can sing better? I do, but he is catching up quick--thanks Alisha

-Who does the laundry? Usually me, but I ask Daniel to help out, we usually always fold together.

-Who pays the bills? I do--love the internet. I guess I am the Nazi of finance. Daniel can never get me a gift without me knowing it.

-Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Daniel

-Who mows the lawn? I imagine Daniel will when we get a yard, but I should like to do it occasionally

-Who cooks dinner? I cook. It tastes better that way.

-Who drives? We both have licenses and cars, but I like to make him drive

-Who is more stubborn? Me, but at that point I probably haven't really slept in three days.

-Who kissed who first? Daniel, but he will always say that I wanted it.

-Who asked who out? Daniel did twice. I shot him down the first time because I thought he was asking me out on a pity date.

-Who proposed? I don't know. I know for sure that I made Daniel do it proper, but before that I knew I was coming to Atlanta, so it was like "you want to break up or come there with me as my husband?"

-Who has more siblings? Daniel

-Who wears the pants? I think I wear them on daily basis, but the minute a crisis happens those pants are off so quickly and thrown onto Daniel, that it seems to balance out.

Now one from Jan about me.
A - Attached or single: attached
B - Best friend(s): Jenn, Jody, and Mary
C - Cake or pie: cake
D - Day of choice: Sunday
E - Essential item: Doctor Who season 1
F - Favorite color: Purple, but right now reds and oranges
G - Gummy bears or worms: worms
H - Hometown: Salt Lake, now Murray Utah
I - Indulgence(s): Reading, and sewing
J - January or July: July is by far the best
K - Kids: None yet
L - Life is incomplete without: chocolate
M - Marriage date: 27 Sept 2006
N - Number of siblings: 2 Sisters and 2 brothers
O - Oranges or apples: both
P - Phobias or fears: spiders, attacks on my airplane, the future for my children
Q - Quotes: "No one is useless in this world," retorted the Secretary, "who lightens the burden of it for any one else." Charles Dickens Our Mutual Friend
R - Reason to smile:Children, Family, friends
S - Season of choice: spring
T - Tag three friends: Emlyn, Jenn, Liz
U - Unknown fact about me: I play the flute
V - Very favorite store: Ann Taylor Loft
W - Worst habit: leaving cereal bowls around the house
X - X-ray or ultrasound: Neither that means somthing is wrong
Y - Your favorite food: Thai noodle-family fav.
Z - Zodiac sign: Pieces

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